Monday, June 01, 2009


Summer is offically here!! We finished up school this past Friday and it couldnt have come any sooner. We dont have much planned this summer just going to spend time at home working in the yard, playing some golf and playing with the girls. Cory is going to be teaching summer school so that will keep him busy.

We still have the house on the market. We are quickly approaching the 1 year mark of being for sale. I am beginning to think I am suppose to live in this house forever. I know we are suppose to be patient and wait, but its really getting old.

Changes could be coming to the Golden household in relation to my job. I will keep you posted on this. Not much else is really going on. Rhealee is 11 weeks approaching 12. She is growing so much its hard to believe she will soon be 3 months old. Her and Taryn spent 3 nights with Doakie and Gramps this past week. That was hard on me but good for them.

Rhealee weighed 11.5lbs and was 24in. at her 2 month check up a couple of weeks ago. So you can guess that she is even bigger than that now. She has great head control, babbles all the time, sleeping through the night and almost rolling over. I figure she will be rolling over by the end of the week.

Here are some pics to catch you up on the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!!

Taryn and Rhealee hanging out on the couch! Taryn loves to hold Rhealee. Rhealee recognizes and smiles at Taryn and it makes Taryn squeal with delight. Taryn, Aunt Tammie, and Cousin Sydni ridding the 4 wheeler last weekend.

Rhealee enjoying the kiddie pool at Payten's birthday party!

Cousin Kegan enjoying the sprinkler with his Uncle Zane.

Cousin Kegan getting ready to run through the sprinkler with his Uncle Zane.

Taryn, Sydni, Payten and Kegan enjoying the hot tub!

Taryn enjoying the sun water!

Rhealee was one pooped puppy!! So we fixed her a little bed.

Taryn and Cousin Sydni getting ready to eat some "dot dogs!"

Rhealee and Papa

Cousin Payten and her Aunt Cammie at her 1st Birthday Party!!

For the last day of school Cory went in disguise. He had fun messing with the kids and teachers walking around school dressed like this.

Rhealee at 10 weeks old.

Me and the girls after church. They are so pretty!!

Cory and his little ladies after church.

Taryn and Rhealee. They are such little hams. Rhealee is 10 weeks old.


Cory had to take the girls to a Jr. High Sports Dance here a couple of weeks ago. I had a mommy's night out planned. This is Taryn dancing with "her Cade". Cade is the son of Jennifer (the girls babysitter). He is so sweet with Taryn and she had a blast at the dance with her daddy.
What a happy girl!

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