Sunday, July 05, 2009

4th of July...What fun we did have!!!

Ugg I always put the picture in the wrong order!!!

We just got back from Lake Graham and the Jones family reunion (Cory's family). It occurs every year around the 4th of July. We always have so much fun seeing family we only get to see once a year. We spend time on the lake, visiting, eating, eating, and eating some more. You leave the lake exhausted and sun burned. But you never want to leave and look forward to coming back again next year.

A first occurred at the lake this year. Tori got engaged. We missed the actually engagement cause we had sleepy girls, but on Saturday night we had fun embarrassing the newly engaged couple.

We dressed them in lake wedding attire, played Going to the Chapel, made them dance, and then toss the bouquet of lake flowers. It was a blast.

Joyce caught the bouquet of flowers. there something you forgot to tell us Ganky? The Happy Couple! Yes Cousin Kelcie and I made their wedding attire all by ourselves. We are for hire if you are interested. Don't they just look lovely.

Part of the fun at the lake is the popping of fireworks. Last year Taryn didn't care for them because they were loud. This year she was brave and wanted to pop her own.

Taryn watching from the shore. She wanted to do her own. Cory let her and it was interesting to watch. The first one went right into the lake where it was suppose to go. The second one went into a group of trees where family was sitting under. Surprisingly there were no more fireworks, they all disappeared.

Taryn and I watching the fireworks from the shore. We had fun. Rhealee slept through all the loud bangs and pops going on. She was in the cabin and never budged.

Sparklers were interesting with an almost 3 year old. Especially when she wanted Cousin Tyler to take them and she tried to hand them to him over a very large box of fireworks. Good think Tyler was quick.

Rhealee was the star of the weekend. Everyone wanted to hold and play with her, so she was passed around and played with all weekend. Here she is with Cousin Kelcie. It was so hot at the
lake. Both the days it was 103-110 degrees. We just let her run around in her diaper. She was a great baby even in the heat!

Kelcie you sure look good holding a baby!!!

Rhealee and Cousin Kelcie talking to each other. Rhealee talked and laughed for everyone.

Rhealee and Cousin Sharla. Rhealee loved people to hold her especially when they had just come up from the lake and they would hold her and cool her off. Thanks to everyone who helped take care of Rhealee this weekend. You are wonderful! We took Taryn and Cory's sister Robin and her kids out on the boat for some water sports aka intertubing. Taryn watched some of the bigger boys tube first and get thrown off and do flips. When it was time for her and me to go we were able to stay on for a bit. While we were out on the tube she told me she wanted to "fly off like those boys did". So I held on to her and we slid off the back of the tube. She thought that was great and laughed until Cory came back for us.

Later she decided that she wanted to go out on the tube with just her and her "Meme" known to the rest of the world as Megan her cousin. So out they went on the tube by themselves. I told her she would probably fall off and if she did just to stay calm and we would come get her. They didn't make it very long before they sank the front. Sure enough they were in the water and we had to circle around to get them. She didn't get scared just sat there bopping in the water. I was a little nervous having my little girl just sitting in the big lake by herself.

After everyone was done in the tube she wanted to go again so we let them go out and we pulled them into shore and they didn't fall off.

Here they go. Aren't they such big girls!!! I was proud of her and sad at the same time cause she is growing up so fast!

The Rekeita Family having some fun on the lake!

Taryn and I going after some big jumps. Hehe we didn't get over 5mph. It was fun anyways! We have the same look on our face!

Weee are having so much fun!!!

Taryn "driving" the boat! She did a great job.

Robin and Tyler out on the lake! Hold on Robin your about to go flying!

Taryn style fishing. She would catch the minnow and move it from one bucket to another and thought she was catching fish. Too cute!

Cory getting some fishing time in! Did you catch anything big daddy?
Taryn still fishin'!!

Taryn enjoyed jumping off the floating dock into the water! She did this on her own with no fear. She is growing up so fast!

Megan getting ready to jump in!
Taryn wore her daddy out! She wanted to do nothing but play in the water. Daddy was a little sore from constantly having to chase her around the water. He is such a good daddy and enjoyed every minute of their time in the water.

Look at the big girl getting ready to jump in the water!!

More floating going on. Taryn didn't get to much of a sunburn except on her little bottom and that came from floating on the tube. Cory on the other hand looks like a raccoon.

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