Wednesday, February 03, 2010

A Month in Pics.....

I am doing a 365 day scrapbook project with my friend Cathie. I have decided to do mine digital while she does hers the more traditional route. I have never done a digital scrapbook, but I am loving it because I don't have to drag out all the stuff work on it a couple of hours and then put it all away.

These are the pics I have used for the first month of the year. You will notice that I have missed some days for various reasons like basketball games and whatnot. So for the few of you that read my blog, enjoy the first month of 2010 in the life of the Golden's.

New Years Eve we spent in Levelland at the McMahan's house. This was an annual tradition before all of the little darlings started arriving. The McMahan's decided to bring the party back into action this year. It was a little smaller then years pass, but we had a blast. This pic is of me and 2 of the Coat's girls. These girls are a blast and I am blessed to have them in my life! Thanks for the laughs girls!!! I love y'all!

Jan. 2nd: Taryn had received a Build-A-Bear from her Aunt Robin at Christmas. I had put her off putting the thing together cause it required actual sewing. She finally convinced her Daddy that he could do it for her. He did of course and it took him about an hour to get the bear sewn together! Got love a man who can sew!

Jan. 3rd: A little DIVA in the making! The eye mask are something that was in my pillow case at Christmas and Taryn decided that she needed them to help her take a nap. They worked like a charm!!

Jan. 4th: We have figured out that the best way to get Rhealee to take a bath is to let her take one with Taryn. So separate bath nights have now been combined into one bath! Make life a little easier, so you won't hear us complain!

Jan. 5th: I started making jewelry back in the summer and have made a few sales on the side here in the last couple of months (not as many as I would like). These necklaces I made in one night. The red and black one was for the stock show auction. It went for $80. Now if I could sale a few more at that price I would be happy. Then 1 of the turquoise and brown ones I sold to a lady at school. I love making jewelry.
Jan. 6th: Taryn L-O-V-E-S to dress herself. She has a thing for these boots! Notice the band-aid? Well that would be the reason why she didn't have pants on cause it hurt to touch her leg. DRAMA!!!
Jan. 7th: The final night of College football....National Championship Night. I fixed a big pot of Cheesy Potato Soup and a big pan of Smores!!! No better way to spend a cold winter night then nibbling on this pile of heavenly goodness!!!
Jan. 8th: Coach Golden in action!! You won't see many of these shots for the simple reason it is hard to take good pics while wrestling 2 active girls!

*Jan. 9th: There is no pic here because I keep forgetting to take a picture of Cory's new boots. He saved all his Christmas money and that is what he bought himself. He is very proud of them and when I remember to take a picture I will post it here!!
Jan. 10th: She stands alone!!! This smile will just melt your heart. She is so active and wants to do what Big sister does so bad, it cracks us up!!!Jan. 11th: The picture date says 12th, but it was really late on the 11th. This is my Mountain of Laundry. I try really hard to do a load a night, but that really doesn't work out very often. So this is what my hallway looks like on a typical weekend. Here lately though I have just been sorting as we take them off thinking this will be the week I really get the hang of doing a load a night!!! Haha that hasn't happened yet!

Jan. 12th: Rhealee hit the 10 month mark!! Where has time gone? This is a bad picture but it's all I could get of her that day! Look at how big she is!!!

Jan. 13th: She is really not big enough for coffee yet, but she thinks she is!!! I decided the plastic lid must have felt good on her little gums!

Jan. 14th: Taryn decided that she needed her Daddy to rock her to sleep. So she came and climbed up in his lap with her blanket and went right to sleep. She looks so big these days!

Jan. 15th: We had a girls night at home. For supper we had a bowl of cereal and for dessert we had a big glass of milk and Oreo cookies. I gave Rhealee her first Oreo and the girl was in heaven!!! That's my girl!!!

Jan. 17th: Rhealee was very determined to get whatever toy she wanted from the bottom of the toy box. She didn't stop until she got it!!!Jan. 18th: What is this? Cory cleaning? Yes I have convinced him that if we will clean one or two rooms a night it will make our weekends a lot less stressful. So far he has agreed and has done great at helping me clean in the evenings.

Jan. 19th: I was finishing getting ready for school and noticed that the girls had gotten very quite. I went looking for them and this is where I found them. Sitting in the kitchen floor sharing a Pop-Tart. They were very pleased with themselves. Especially Rhealee!
Jan. 20th: Ok here is a picture of Cory's boots. Taryn was helping us clean up the living room and I had asked her to take these and put them up. She came back down the hall wearing the boots and really proud of herself! What a stinker!

Jan. 21st: I don't remember the reason why, but Cory was taking Taryn to get some ice cream. It was a little cool outside, but not so cold that you would need a hood. Or as Taryn calls them "oods" (no h). And notice that the "ood" is not even attached to the jacket! Goober!

Jan. 22nd: Well these are not my pics, but the day was worth remembering. To start with we had over slept this Friday morning. Then when I got out of the shower with my hair dripping wet, my blow drier decided that it was the morning to die. So no big deal, I just twisted my hair up in some bobby pins and went on about my way. So still running a little late me and the girls head out. As I am going across the rail road tracks I hear a noise. Taryn asks what it is and I told her something must have just bounced up and hit the back of the van. I was stopped at a stop sign so I checked and everything looked ok. I drove out onto the highway and immediately realized that not everything was ok. I had a flat tire. So I pulled over; texted Cory, called Jennifer and called the school. I waited for Cory to respond and got nothing so I called him back. He just laughed and headed my way. On the way to school we were explaining to Taryn that when things like this happen there is no reason to get upset you just have to stop and be thankful that we have a car to drive and hair that needs a blow drier and that you just have to laugh and be thankful. So proceeded to tell us that Bubba Hanz had eaten her Pop-Tart. What a day!Jan. 23rd: We had a relaxing lazy Saturday. We had gotten up early and ran to Lubbock to buy me a new blow dryer. We were home shortly after 10, so we popped in a movie and all curled up in the chair or on the couch. We enjoyed the movie and a little popcorn. Taryn asked if we could do it again someday! It really was enjoyable!

Jan. 24th: Rallying Rhealee!!!! This girl is a hoot always watching and figuring out what we do and then mimicking us to make us laugh!

Jan. 25th: Taryn insisted that she and I play dress up. But first she had to do my hair!! That was a little painful but I endured the pain and let her brush and twist my hair all she wanted. I love having girls!!

Jan. 28th: A big winter storm blew in and to welcome the snow and ice I fixed a big pot of tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches!! We were all in heaven and full by the time we finished eating!!! I love that my family is happy with the simple meals sometimes.

Jan. 29th: Taryn had received Candy Land for Christmas and since we already had the game, I told her we would exchange it for another game. Saturday I ran to Levelland and did some grocery shopping at Wal-Mart and exchanged her game for Memory. She was so excited when we explained to her what we would be doing. So we sat down and played 3 rounds the first night and the little smarty pants beat me and Cory 2 out of those times!!! She now asks if we can play every night.

So this was January in pictures with the Golden's. Stayed tuned for February!!

1 comment:

Paige said...

Excellent! love it