Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 Months.....

Rhealee 10 months ago today I held you in my arms for the first time. You were so long and skinny but not really as you weighed 8lbs 10oz. Today you are a handful, a mess, and a character. You learn something new everyday and you keep us on our toes.

At 10 months you.....

*are off baby food

*you love table food

*your favorite food is bananas

*you like yogurt

*you like cheese

*you like tortillas

*you like food in general

*you are learning to use a sippy cup

*you walk on your knees

*you stand alone

*you push your walking toy around

*you love playing with dolls

*you love taking baths with Taryn

*you love going to Jenny's

*you like to watch basketball (good thing!)

*you still like to put things in your mouth

-the latest thing has been the missing "Hungry Hungry Hippo Ball" I thought you had swallowed it for about 24hrs. We were on the look out, then Taryn found it in her closet!! Thank goodness

*You are a Gramps girl

*You like to snuggle with Doakie

*you are slowly starting to sleep through the night

*you dont mind bows on your head

*you like to go to Sunday School

*you like to play with Taryn and whatever she is playing

*you like to take all the tupperware out of the cabinet

*you love to crawl onto the dishwasher door and pull everything out

*you like to go shopping!!!

*you look and act like your daddy!!

In 2 short months we will be celebrating your 1st birthday!!! I just cant believe how fast it is going by!!! I cant wait to see what the next 10 months hold!!!

Thanks for making us laugh and for bringing joy into the lives you touch!

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