Saturday, July 18, 2009

4 Months Old

Rhealee turned 4 months last Sunday (7-12). My time does fly. We took her for her 4 month check up on the 10th . She weighed in at 13lbs 5oz (55% percentile) and 25 inches long (95% percentile). Everyone tells us how little she looks and she does some days then other days I think she is so big already. She is one long and skinny kiddo.

Dr. Landry was impressed by her head and body control. Her laughing and grabbing objects. We got the ok to start her on cereal, fruits and veggies. This has been a learning process for all of us. Rhealee doesn't quite know what to do with her tongue yet. Taryn was a natural at eating so we did not have this problem so I am having to learn to scoop what comes out of her mouth.

Rhealee is pushing herself up and scooting on her tummy already. It wont be long before she is crawling after her big sister. Watch out Taryn! Rhealee is a great roller. If there is something she wants to look at when she is on the floor she rolls right to it. It is so fun to watch babies learn and develop. They are truly amazing.

Rhealee is going to be a talker. She is constantly babbling and talking to us. She lights up like a Christmas tree when you talk to her, especially when Taryn talks to her. Rhealee loves to be sang to and Taryn loves to sing, so there is a lot of that going on in our house right now. Every morning Taryn and I have to sing Rhealee her morning songs: Good Morning (a made up mommy song), This is the Day and Jesus Loves Me. Our days just go better when we sing every morning.

Rhealee smiling for the camera. I love gummy baby grins, they just melt my heart.
Rhealee playing in her sit and spin. Taryn wasn't long enough for this until she was 6 months old. Rhealee has plenty of length on her to make it work.

1 comment:

Paige said...

oh my, the first pic doesn't look like taryn - but wow that second pic I had to read to make sure that wasn't taryn!
sweet baby - pl