Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 90th Birthday MeeMaw and Summer Fun in the Sun!

We celebrated MeeMaw's 90th birthday in Plainview at the end of June. 90 years in an amazing lifetime of memories and stories. Joyce had spent weeks putting together a scrapbook of MeeMaw's life. It was filled with wonderful pictures and stories of her life. It is sad to see such a great life beginning to fade away. She is does not remember her own children most of the time and never remembers her grandkids or their families. It hurts to see someone lose their memory. Needless the family had a great time getting together and laughing and spending time together.

UMMMMM....sugar....give me more!!! Aunt Jana gave Rhealee her first taste of icing. She really enjoyed the sugar.

MeeMaw giving Rhealee sugars. She loved the "baby doll" and wanted to love on her. Taryn helping MeeMaw blow her candles out.

MeeMaw directing all of us as we sang Happy Birthday to her. She didn't understand that we were all there for her.
We have had a great summer even though it has been REALLY HOT!!! We bought a little pool for Taryn to play with in the backyard. She loves it! She jumps in and out running all around. She loves to water the yard with the big flowers.

Rhealee is enjoying the summer also. She is getting so big and laughing and smiling almost all the time. We do have some moments when she is fussy and just wants to cry but most of the time she is smiling and laughing.

She looks so much like Taryn did at this age. But I just love this melts my heart. We have enjoyed the water this summer and using our friends Paige and Greg's pool. Rhealee loves the water and just goes nuts when you put her in there.

Taryn is a water bug...she never wants to get out when we tell her its time to get out. She has become very independent in the water also. She is not scared to jump off the ladder to the water by herself.

OHHHHH I Love this water!! Please let me swim on my own dad.

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