Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'd Like to Pause and Thank.....

Yes this is an Allsup's Burrito!!!  You have become a saving grace in my family!  On nights that I don't feel like cooking or am the only one eating, there is nothing better than you!

I first fell in love with you Mr. Allsup's Burrito when I was in high school.  You were that late night snack that was always there waiting for us.  If we were lucky we would get them fresh out of the hot grease.

I missed you in college, the closes one was 15 miles away, but we often made the trip, late at night just for good times sake.

When I got engaged, I told Cory that he couldn't move me anywhere that didn't have a area code of 806 or anywhere there wasn't an Allsups within about 15 miles, tops!

I now live in such a small town that often, you are the only choice for supper.  My oldest daughter is even starting to gain the same love I have for you.  Often she will ask if we can get a snack when we are on our way out of town, and I know instantly that she wants a Burrito!!

Thank you for staying true to who you are through out all these years!!  We have shared many meals, sometimes plain, others with a little taco sauce, but you have never change you are always there for me when I need you!!

I heart Allsups Burritos!!
p.s. I don't need any lectures on how bad these are for me, I know they are full of gross and disgusting things, but occasionally you just have to forget all of that and have a little piece of heaven!  It's just a West Texas thing....Pat Green even sings about you!

1 comment:

The Farmer's Wife said...

i heart Allsup's Burritos! Small town girl= loving the importance of a good ole' burrito