I have had the flu since Sunday and today I am just starting to feel like normal. The girls have been staying with their Ganky since Monday night and then they went to stay with their Doakie and Gramps for the rest of the weekend. This has been the hardest week on me not being able to see my girls (or anybody for that fact).
Cory has been great going over and seeing the girls and having dinner with them before coming home trying to take care of the daily household chores and taking care of me.
Cory took his Middls School football team to Lubbock-Cooper last night and of course I was unable to attend. He said they all tried really hard but neither team could pull out a win. It has been a hard year in the football world. Tonight will be a tough challange for the varsity team. I hate that we wont be there to watch the Cubs, but I'm supposed to stay in lock-down through tomorrow. So I guess I'll be listening to this game on the radio or getting updates from coaches wives at the game.
Tomorrow we will be watching our Red Raiders take on the UofH at Houston. I am just thankful that it is an away game this week and I am not missing a game. I can watch it from the comfort of my own living room while I am still trying to get better.
New Upcycle Ideas 767 with furniture makeovers
13 hours ago