I have had the flu since Sunday and today I am just starting to feel like normal. The girls have been staying with their Ganky since Monday night and then they went to stay with their Doakie and Gramps for the rest of the weekend. This has been the hardest week on me not being able to see my girls (or anybody for that fact).
Cory has been great going over and seeing the girls and having dinner with them before coming home trying to take care of the daily household chores and taking care of me.
Cory took his Middls School football team to Lubbock-Cooper last night and of course I was unable to attend. He said they all tried really hard but neither team could pull out a win. It has been a hard year in the football world. Tonight will be a tough challange for the varsity team. I hate that we wont be there to watch the Cubs, but I'm supposed to stay in lock-down through tomorrow. So I guess I'll be listening to this game on the radio or getting updates from coaches wives at the game.
Tomorrow we will be watching our Red Raiders take on the UofH at Houston. I am just thankful that it is an away game this week and I am not missing a game. I can watch it from the comfort of my own living room while I am still trying to get better.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Football Season is Here!!!!
Football season is here and that means game night Thursday night, Friday night and most Saturday nights. This time of year finds us very busy and seeing a little less of Cory. Taryn enjoys going to the ball games and Rhealee has done very good so far. We have only made it to one of the Middle school games and will probably only make it to the home games. The girls didnt make it to the first High School game and Rhealee didnt make it to the second game but has now made it to 2 games and has done great.
Taryn loves going to the High School games. She has several friends that are also Coaches kids so they play well together during the game and she loves to watch the band at halftime. Then she is excited to get to go to the Field House after the games and eat with her daddy and play in the weight room. The kids have so much fun playing on the pads and making obstalce courses and pigging out on cookies. Taryn also loves cheering for her daddy and banging her Thunder sticks!
Both of the girls made it to the first Tech game but not the second, due to the chance of rain. I dont know how many of the Tech games the girls will make, but hopefully they will make it to a couple more. Here are a few pics from the beginning of football season.
Taryn, Rhealee and Keeli (Rhealee's friend). Look at Rhealee trying trying to conqure that big bag of football stuff.
Taryn and Keeli crawling around on the field house floor. They are so funny together playing with the helmet and whatever else they could find.
Taryn loves going to the High School games. She has several friends that are also Coaches kids so they play well together during the game and she loves to watch the band at halftime. Then she is excited to get to go to the Field House after the games and eat with her daddy and play in the weight room. The kids have so much fun playing on the pads and making obstalce courses and pigging out on cookies. Taryn also loves cheering for her daddy and banging her Thunder sticks!
Both of the girls made it to the first Tech game but not the second, due to the chance of rain. I dont know how many of the Tech games the girls will make, but hopefully they will make it to a couple more. Here are a few pics from the beginning of football season.
Taryn, Rhealee and Keeli (Rhealee's friend). Look at Rhealee trying trying to conqure that big bag of football stuff.
Taryn and Keeli crawling around on the field house floor. They are so funny together playing with the helmet and whatever else they could find.
6 Months Old
The 12th of September meant that Rhealee turned 6 months old. Where have these months gone? At her 6 month check up she weighed 15 lbs 3 oz. She was 27.4 inches long. Her head was 16.8 inches. So her weight was in the 50%, her length she was in the 100+% and her head was in 75% What a growing girl.
At 6 month Rhealee is crawling, sitting up by herself, pulling herself up, eating big girl food, she has two bottom teeth, and has found her tounge, hands and her voice.
She has become a much happier baby since she figured out how to crawl. Now she can follow sister around the house and keep up with her pretty good. She figured out how to crawl and sit up within a week of each other she also got her two front teeth within that week also. It was an amazing week of development for her.
Taryn and Rhealee at 6 months. Look at her sitting up by herself! What a big girl. Enjoying some veggies and laughing all at the same time. Look real close and you can see the two pearly whites she has on the bottom.
For some reason she loves to lay in the dirty clothes when I have them sorted down the hall. One morning while I was getting ready for school she had been crawling around the bedroom, then she got real quite so I went to look for her and this is where I found her. It's not the first nor the last time she has done this. Silly girl!
At 6 month Rhealee is crawling, sitting up by herself, pulling herself up, eating big girl food, she has two bottom teeth, and has found her tounge, hands and her voice.
She has become a much happier baby since she figured out how to crawl. Now she can follow sister around the house and keep up with her pretty good. She figured out how to crawl and sit up within a week of each other she also got her two front teeth within that week also. It was an amazing week of development for her.
Taryn and Rhealee at 6 months. Look at her sitting up by herself! What a big girl. Enjoying some veggies and laughing all at the same time. Look real close and you can see the two pearly whites she has on the bottom.
For some reason she loves to lay in the dirty clothes when I have them sorted down the hall. One morning while I was getting ready for school she had been crawling around the bedroom, then she got real quite so I went to look for her and this is where I found her. It's not the first nor the last time she has done this. Silly girl!
My Big Girl...
Taryn started Thursday school this year. Thursday School is a wonderful program that our church does for 3 and 4 yr olds in Brownfield. I hadn't thought about Taryn being big enough to start this year until somebody asked me if I wanted to pre-register her a couple of weeks after Rhealee was born. I cried that day when I realized she WAS big enough to go to Thursday school.
So the day before I started talking to her about going to school once a week like mommy and daddy do everyday. She didn't really understand but was excited to get to go to her church.
Here she is dressed and ready to go to "Meet the Teacher Night" at Thursday school. She picked her outfit, complete with the non-matching headband. She still didn't understand what she would be doing, but was so excited to see so many people she knew from church and she made a few new friends that night. Taryn picked her outfit again, complete with the non-matching headband. This was the first day of Thursday school. She was a little nervous about me leaving her, but was excited at the same time. I took the day off so I could take and pick her up the first day. Rhealee had shots that afternoon so it all worked out.
This is Taryn on the second week of Thursday school. She asked me almost everyday if it was time for her to go to school yet? I guess I'm going to have to make a chart so she can mark off the days and she will know when it is Thursday. She is such a visual learner.
So the day before I started talking to her about going to school once a week like mommy and daddy do everyday. She didn't really understand but was excited to get to go to her church.
Here she is dressed and ready to go to "Meet the Teacher Night" at Thursday school. She picked her outfit, complete with the non-matching headband. She still didn't understand what she would be doing, but was so excited to see so many people she knew from church and she made a few new friends that night. Taryn picked her outfit again, complete with the non-matching headband. This was the first day of Thursday school. She was a little nervous about me leaving her, but was excited at the same time. I took the day off so I could take and pick her up the first day. Rhealee had shots that afternoon so it all worked out.
This is Taryn on the second week of Thursday school. She asked me almost everyday if it was time for her to go to school yet? I guess I'm going to have to make a chart so she can mark off the days and she will know when it is Thursday. She is such a visual learner.
It is so great knowing her teacher, all most all of them go to church with us. They are so amazing and are doing such a wonderful work. Several of them have told me how great Taryn has been and how helpful she is with the other kids in her group. I hope she continues to enjoy going to Thursday school and learning new things every week. It wont be long before she is going to kindergarten. What am I going to do? They grow up way, way to fast.
Papa and Carol
On Saturday September 5th we went to Lockney for the wedding of Papa and Carol. We wish them them the best of luck in this new journey of their life. Here are some pics from the wedding.
Rhealee crawling around waiting for the wedding.
Rhealee crawling around waiting for the wedding.
Payten playing in the bubbles getting ready for Papa and Carol to leave.
Sisters, Sisters!!!
My girls are growing so fast. As they are growing they are growing closer together. I can see a friendship starting to build. Rhealee gets the biggest grin and her eyes light up whenever Taryn walks into a room.
They are starting to play together and interact with each other. Taryn loves to entertain Rhealee by making different faces, different noises or just talking to her. It amazes me the connection they have already and it grows a little stronger every day.
Taryn feeding Rhealee a teething biscuit. What I couldn't capture on the camera is the fact that every time Taryn shoved (and I mean shoved) the biscuit in her mouth and then pulled it out Rhealee would get so tickled. Which in turn got Taryn tickled so she did it again and this made Rhealee laugh even harder, which made Taryn laugh even harder. This continued several times until they were both laughing so hard that Taryn couldn't put the biscuit in Rhealee's mouth because Rhealee was laughing so hard. Which also made mommy laugh really hard.
They are starting to play together and interact with each other. Taryn loves to entertain Rhealee by making different faces, different noises or just talking to her. It amazes me the connection they have already and it grows a little stronger every day.
Taryn feeding Rhealee a teething biscuit. What I couldn't capture on the camera is the fact that every time Taryn shoved (and I mean shoved) the biscuit in her mouth and then pulled it out Rhealee would get so tickled. Which in turn got Taryn tickled so she did it again and this made Rhealee laugh even harder, which made Taryn laugh even harder. This continued several times until they were both laughing so hard that Taryn couldn't put the biscuit in Rhealee's mouth because Rhealee was laughing so hard. Which also made mommy laugh really hard.
Caught them being mischievous together. The look on both of their faces tells me that they were up to something, just not sure what they were doing. They had been really quite for a while so I went to find them and I knew they would be up to something so I took the camera and this is what I captured.
The girls playing together in the living room. They are so cute together when they play. They have recently found that they like to wrestle. I haven't captured this on film or on the camera yet, but they will roll around on the floor until one of them ends up on top and they are both squealing with laughter. Love those sounds filling my house everyday.
Taryn wanted to give sister a ride in her new car. So with mommy standing very close we gave it a go. It was interesting cause Rhealee wasn't sitting up on her own yet, there are no seat belts and Taryn is not a very good driver and needed to hold on to sister. We will need to try this again, now that Rhealee is sitting on her own.
Rhealee wanted to hold on to something. Can't say that I don't blame her, Taryn is not the best little driver yet.
The girls playing together in the living room. They are so cute together when they play. They have recently found that they like to wrestle. I haven't captured this on film or on the camera yet, but they will roll around on the floor until one of them ends up on top and they are both squealing with laughter. Love those sounds filling my house everyday.
Taryn wanted to give sister a ride in her new car. So with mommy standing very close we gave it a go. It was interesting cause Rhealee wasn't sitting up on her own yet, there are no seat belts and Taryn is not a very good driver and needed to hold on to sister. We will need to try this again, now that Rhealee is sitting on her own.
Rhealee wanted to hold on to something. Can't say that I don't blame her, Taryn is not the best little driver yet.
The girls in their matching yellow sundresses. They are absolutely the cutest things I have ever seen, I know I'm a little bias but they are just so cute.
These girls play so well together it amazes me. We worried that Taryn would be jealous of Rhealee and that she would lose interest in her, but that has not been the case. Taryn is the best big sister ever. She is so patient with Rhealee and always wants to help. If Rhealee grabs her hair Taryn tells her so easily "no sister, not pull my hair please." Or if Rhealee is trying to get something that Taryn doesn't think she needs she will say "No Rhealee you not big yet." If we try to give Rhealee a bite of something we are eating Taryn will tell us, "Rhealee not a big girl yet, she not eat that only baby food." It is always so cute. Taryn is also very protective of Rhealee and keeps a close eye on her if we are out and about and somebody wants to hold her.
I see ahead of me many wonderful years of listening to these two laughing and being silly together. I also know that there will be many disagreements as they have such different little personalities already. I know there will come a day when they are disagreeing over clothes and boys and those will be challenging days, but hopefully they will have a strong enough relationship they will laugh about it the next day.
I am so blessed to have such two wonderful little girls in my life. They bring us all so much joy with their laughter and smiles. I look forward to watching them grow up together and hopefully grow up to be great friends.
Taryn Turns 3
I am really behind on getting all these pics posted. So bare with me there will be several post full of pics.
Taryn turned 3 on August 3rd. I let her choose what we would have for dinner and she choose Hot Dogs, Chips and Ice Cream. That's my girl keeping it simple. She also wanted to eat outside so Taryn, Rhealee and myself enjoyed our dinner outside. (Cory was at football practice, imagine that.)
Here is Rhealee, she enjoyed watching us eat our hot dogs. Not really cause she wanted one of her own. "Your not big, sister!" is what Taryn kept telling her. Next year Rhealee you can eat one with us. Here is the Birthday Girl enjoying her ice cream after our fabulous dinner.
Taryn turned 3 on August 3rd. I let her choose what we would have for dinner and she choose Hot Dogs, Chips and Ice Cream. That's my girl keeping it simple. She also wanted to eat outside so Taryn, Rhealee and myself enjoyed our dinner outside. (Cory was at football practice, imagine that.)
Here is Rhealee, she enjoyed watching us eat our hot dogs. Not really cause she wanted one of her own. "Your not big, sister!" is what Taryn kept telling her. Next year Rhealee you can eat one with us. Here is the Birthday Girl enjoying her ice cream after our fabulous dinner.
Taryn eating her hot dog and chips. She had fun eating outside.
*You can dress yourself.
*You love to pick out your own outfits.
*You can potty in the big girl potty all by yourself.
*You can get your own snack out of the refrigerator.
*You know all your colors.
*You know all your shapes.
*You can count to 10.
*You are beginning to recognize letters.
*You love to watch cartoons.
*You love to snuggle with mommy and daddy.
*You love your "big" girl room and helping clean it up.
*You love going to visit your Doakie and Gramps and going to Ganky's house.
*You are the best big sister ever.
*You love to help take care of Rhealee.
*You love going to "your" church.
*You are learning to be a polite little lady with manners.
*You love going to football games and talking to "Coach".
*You have a wonderful imagination and play so well by yourself.
*You have an amazing memory.
*You have a marvelous smile and brighten every room you walk into.
There are so many things that you can do and love my list could go on forever. You are such a big girl that loves to help mommy do so many things like take care of sister and cooking. I am so thankful that you are in our lives and that I get to be your mommy and see you grow up everyday. I wish you could stay this age forever but I know you wont and I look forward to seeing you grow up into a marvelous person. Thanks for all they joy you bring into my life and so many other peoples lives also.
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