*Weigh 19lbs. 2oz (25%)
*Measure 30 inches long (90%)
*Head was 18cm, I think (95%)
*You are down to drinking 1-2 bottles a day.
*You love sippy cups.
*You love deli ham
*You love anything with lots of sugar in it (that's my girl)
*You love taking baths
*You love being outside
*You walk every where you go these days
*You can walk very quickly, almost run when you get excited
*You love playing peek-a-boo
*You have learned to play hide and seek
*You squeal with delight when somebody chases you (melts my heart)
*You can wave bye-bye
*You can say no and shake your body
*You babble and talk ALL the time
*You have learned how to climb up the steps to sisters bed!!!!
*You love playing in sister's room
*You love playing with sister
*You like mac-n-cheese
*You like fruit
*You like yogurt
*You like giving kisses
*You like being a stinker and not giving kisses and laughing about it
*You love to see yourself in the mirror (we are in so much trouble)
*You enjoy sticking your tongue out at people
*You love snuggling baby dolls
*You like to give your baby's kisses
You have become very independent in the last couple of weeks. You are loving the freedom you have of walking. You and sister and playing together and you love having her attention and playing with her toys.
You do like to pull hair (we are working on this issue)
You do still like to wake up at least once during the night
You have become very difficult to put to sleep
You just wont give up the bottle
You are not consistent on what food you like
I love how the list of what you don't do/like is so much shorter than the what you do like list.
You are full of personality and it is coming out more and more each day. You make us laugh and you diffently keep us on our toes. We are so thankful that we get to be your family and watch you grow everyday.
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