Monday, March 08, 2010

February Review in Pictures.....

Well I didn't do so well in taking pictures during the month of February. It just amazes me how fast a day goes by!! I usually realize after the girls are asleep that I didn't get a picture taken, and you can only have so many of them sleeping. So in March I am trying really hard to remember to take a picture!!!!

Speaking of March, Little Miss Rhealee will be 1 in just a couple of days!!!! Can you believe that a year has gone by already? Where did that time go? So with out any delay here is the month of February in pictures through the eyes of Momma Golden!!!

Feb. 1st (the date was wrong on my camera): Rhealee and her funny faces!!!

Feb. 2nd: Rhealee had an awful cough and felt really bad, so Cory took her to Dr. Landry and we had a round of antibiotics and steroids. He took both girls to Lubbock by himself and it was really an adventure. Complete with myself getting flowers because a 3yr old insisted on buying them for me!!! I have taught her well :)

Feb. 4th: Ladies Night Out!!! Every girl needs dinner and conversation with some other mommies!!! We had supper at Carino's and spent hours talking!!

Feb. 5th: Taryn and Doakie at Cheddar's.

Feb. 7th: Rhealee and Taryn had gone to Ganky's to play for a bit and this is how Rhealee came home. One pooped puppy!!!

Feb. 8th: Taryn helped me make some Petei Fours for Valentines Day! She loved rolling out the fondant and of course she loved eating them also!

Feb. 9th: These were my airplane ride to Austin buddies. Alyson Coats and Kristi Downs. We were on our way to Austin for the TCEA conference. What a great time we had!!!

Feb. 10th: This is what was left of my cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, while in Austin!! Ohh it is probably a good thing that I don't live near one of these restaurants!!!!

Feb. 12th: I flew in from Austin on Friday morning and had a full afternoon at school before heading to Lubbock on a last minute idea to take Taryn to see the Rockin' Disney Road Show! She loved every minute of the show and is asking to go back!

Feb. 13th: We were sadden by the death of our dear family friend Eloise McFarland. We went to Lubbock to be with Aunt Christina and her family. Rhealee was enjoying a cookie in this picture!

Feb. 14th: Valentines Day was pretty uneventful in our house this year. We did enjoy pizza for supper and ice cream for desserts. Notice Rhealee eyeballing her sister's ice cream. Taryn had been really good about sharing, but sharing was quickly turning into all Rhealee's! There is a huge gap here with no pictures for several days. Don't ask me why because I have no idea. I just forgot to take pictures for several days. OOOPs!

Feb. 18th: Cory and Taryn snuggled up watching cartoons. This is Taryn's favorite pre-bedtime activity. And of course there is nowhere better to watch cartoons then in our bed.

Feb. 20th: Cory and I getting ready to leave on our date day. The girls were in Lockney for the weekend so we went to Lubbock for dinner and a movie.

Feb. 21st: Taryn doing the "Freeze Dance" in the car on the way home from Doakie and Gramps. Silly girl came up with this song and dance all on her own. She has one of the best imaginations! Feb. 22nd: When basketball season ended for the JV team Cory and I decided that we wanted to host this team. They didn't win a great number of games this year, but they did grow so much as a team and as individuals. So for a small fee I fed them some of the best chow that might have ever laid their hands on. hehe!! They filled their tummies full of chicken spaghetti, garlic bread, brownies and cookie bars!! After dinner they enjoyed a movie before the snow blew in!!! I have to add that Taryn was loving all the attention from these boys. She was not afraid to tell them how it was!

Feb. 23rd: We woke up to about 3-4 inches of snow. When we went to bed at 11:30 there was nothing on the ground, but a few flakes. So we were surprised to see this the following morning. We enjoyed a 2hr. delay for school. All this snow was gone by shortly after noon. Man you gotta love West Texas.

Feb. 26th: Taryn dressed and ready to go!! She has such a wonderful sense of style!

Feb. 27th: We watched the Gunnel's kids for a couple of hours while their mom went to workout. Taryn loved having them over to play and I have to admit that I enjoyed it also. I got so much done while she was busy playing with her friends! The girls were hungry and needed a snack, so they shared the step ladder and ate their fruit cups!! What cuties!

So there you go, that is our month in pictures!!!! Hope you enjoyed sharing a little piece of our lives with us!!!

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